Our New Approach as a Bay Area Creative Shop

Hey! Welcome to Resolution Workshop. We are Adam Kennedy and Dwight Burks. We're launching a digital media shop out of Oakland, California.

When we first came up with the new name, something just seemed to click. We wanted for it to illustrate what we do and hint at how we work, while being open to different interpretations. Not to mention making sure that it hadn't been registered as a business or taken on social channels. We asked around to learn how different people interpret the name. Some respond to the word "workshop" first: that it paints a picture of a collaborative effort, of a genuine creative relationship and a willingness to experiment. The word "resolution" sparked different ideas: some noted that it creates a sense of completion in storytelling, the good feeling of something becoming resolved. Others link the word more to digital resolution, the clarity of something in terms of its visual presence. However you combine meanings, we liked the duality it creates. A few people thought of it as a New Year's Resolution. And in a certain sense, it is just that.

2016 was an interesting year. We witnessed a lot changing, and got a clearer picture of what's at stake in the world. Like many people in the progressive world, we decided that 2017 is a great time to hit refresh: to re-evaluate our personal and professional goals, and take action to make great things happen next year. This aligned perfectly with some milestones and changes happening at the agency we are budding out of.

For the past four years we had been working together on creative endeavors through 12FPS, focusing mostly on video and motion design with the occasional web design and 3D animation project. The two of us operated as the San Francisco wing of the small shop that spanned California and New Mexico: this geographic span allowed for a great diversity of ideas, and backdrops for the stories we sent out to the world. Through the now-Santa Fe-based creative agency, our constantly evolving workflow and love of storytelling allowed for us to take on all types and scales of creative projects. At the end of 2016, the two offices branched apart between time zones, as we continue to evolve creatively and in our personal lives.

So, what are we doing differently in 2017? A lot and a little. Our center of gravity is back in the Bay Area where our hearts are, and we will continue to focus solely on projects that we feel great about. We'll be working primarily in video production in varying styles and genres, but with a new personal connection to the work we're doing. Here at Resolution Workshop, we embrace contrast between advanced digital techniques and timeless storytelling methods. We create clarity through digital media. We invite you to collaborate, where you'll see both the secret formula as well as the magic show. No story is too small or too large to tell when your objective is to create meaning, and with that as our mission on a personal level, we will continue doing that no matter what.

Resolution Workshop