Fast Breakthroughs for Cystic Fibrosis • No One Should Be Left Behind • Emily's Entourage

We animated a short film to tell the story of Emily Kramer-Golinkoff, her battle with cystic fibrosis, and how she started a foundation to fund research to find cures for the remaining 10% of sufferers left behind by the fields of science and medicine.

We adapted the intensity of Emily’s real story into a visceral visual journey. A hybrid of animation techniques allowed for us to illustrate metaphors and feelings in a way that resonates. With a variety of media sources including original 3D animation, and a passionate illustration effort to rotoscope hundreds of frames, our team pushed hard to tell this story exactly as it needed to be told.

Emily’s Entourage is the only organization singularly focused on speeding research for new treatments and a cure for people with nonsense mutations of Cystic Fibrosis. Since 2011, the organization has raised millions of dollars to fund critical research and apply an entrepreneurial approach to accelerating the development of life-saving therapeutics.

Direction and Writing: Joanna Rudnik (

Illustration & Art Direction: Andrea Amanda (

Animator & Editor: Adam Kennedy

Resolution Workshop